Anniversaries, Aspirations, and Antics: A Tale of Love, Learning, and Parenting

Embarking on our family road trip to Malacca and Desaru, we discovered the joys and challenges of travel, parenting, and personal growth. From celebrating our 4th anniversary and navigating the threenager antics of our son, Daniel, to creating unforgettable memories with bubbles and jeep rides, this journey was more than a holiday—it was a chapter in our family's story of love, laughter, and learning. Join us as we reflect on the lessons learned and the moments cherished, and get a glimpse into the heartwarming adventures that make family life an incredible journey.

Nurturing Curiosity: A Lesson from My Son, Daniel

In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the innate curiosity that children possess. We often find ourselves urging them to stay on task, to be focused, and to not get distracted by the world around them. But sometimes, as parents, we can learn valuable lessons from our own children. My recent experience with my son, Daniel, has taught me that rather than suppressing his curiosity, we should embrace it. In this post, I'll share a heartwarming story that highlights the importance of nurturing curiosity in our kids and seeing the world through their eyes.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Taiwan Through Time

Taiwan holds a special place in my heart as my first solo trip destination. This trip led to a self-discovery journey that shaped me into who I am today. Fast forward nearly a decade, life graced me with another visit to Taiwan, this time in the company of my family. The emotional juxtaposition of returning to a place where loneliness once reigned, now embraced by love and companionship, created a complex blend of sentiments. These layers of memories, both unsettling and comforting, presented me with a beautiful paradox.

Our Little Jeju Island

We found our own little Jeju Island at Changi Bay Point, a peaceful escape right here in Singapore. Our son Daniel's first independent ride made the journey even more special, a 2km feat for a barely 3-year-old. Someday, we hope to cycle the real Jeju Island, but for now, this is our slice of tranquillity.

The Nuances of Parenting

During our recent getaway, I found myself grappling with how to teach my young son, Daniel, the virtues of patience and gratitude. These family trips have become unexpected lessons in parenting, revealing deeper insights into love, character, and the blessings that shape our lives.

My Parenting Role Models

In this age of information and self-hacks, there are plenty of sources that can help us in our parenting journey. For me, though, the best self-hack is simply watching my parents as role modeling for me. In this post, I touch on one key aspect of their parenting role modeling that I will always remember.

Crossing the Line

A crazy idea led to a crazy decision but one that both my wife and I, even Daniel too, does not regret. Check out how we ended up crossing into JB at 3am as a family with a young child in stow.

A Magical Weekend

I am fixated by the idea that the answer should always be thematic when someone recounts his or her childhood. “Boardgame nights with my parents!” or “Hiking trips around South East Asia!” are some of the responses I envisioned as the ideal ones. In this post, I wrote a bit about my own answer that I am gifting to Daniel.