Daniel's Favourite Playground and our First Attempt at Bazaar 2023

Daniel's Favourite Playground and our First Attempt at Bazaar 2023

Of all the play areas that we have been to, there is one that holds a special place in our hearts, including Daniel’s little one too - Changi Airport, Terminal 1.

It all started during the pandemic when mama and papa needed to nurse our travel fever. So we often went to the airport for some placebo respite from this self-created travel fever. Over time, our visits there grew more regularly and Daniel, too, started loving the place. He loves the big open spaces where he can run his heart out freely. He loves the sight of aeroplanes landing and taking off. And before we realise it, Changi Airport started occupying a corner in our hearts permanently.

Terminal 1 one in particular was where we frequented a lot for its children-friendly playground. This was also where mama and papa conceived ……. all of our recent travel plans. Something about the planes just inspire us to think about our travel plans.

But I do realise that the T1 playground is rather old, so it might not be around for any much longer. That is why I want to dedicate this week’s post to this playground and the idea of this place and what it means to us as a family.

We also squeezed in some time to soak in the the bazaar atmosphere that evening but boy oh boy, ramly burger ke mana, kiteorang ke mana … it was just such a bad idea in the end. No words could describe it.

But a video might do the job. So check it out.

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