A Day in the Life of a Refugee Child

Kurdistan squats over a mound of soil that the she and her friends have piled up, they giggle, marveling at the ‘mountain’ they’ve built with their hands. They excitedly use their fingers as mountain climbers on an expedition, laughing gleefully as they get dirt in their nails. There is nothing more resilient than a child’s spirit; with just some dirt and imagination, the children convulse in laughter.

Weekly Grind: Part VIII - Little India on Diwali Night

When the majority of Singaporeans walk away from the crowd, I walk towards it. If there is any time that is best for us to experience this little enclave at night, it should be on the night before the Diwali celebration begins. Last minute shopping sprees, bargaining by the road side and migrant workers in good mood from having an additional day off to their weekend. The atmosphere was jovial and light.

Weekly Grind: Part VI

Some of the things that they shared touches on the need to have a lot of energy and motivation that what we are doing can and will make a difference. This is also the main reason why I've decided a long time ago that I want my photography to mean something more than what it used to be. It needs to be a vessel of a story, a vessel for change.