Begin Again

I had just finished watching Begin Again and I personally like this movie a lot for the themes that it puts forth about having a passion and keeping it alive through whatever means. I believe that we are all connected through some kind of a passion, one form or another. So right now, I am just going to share with you my take on the movie because photography is my passion and for that, I can simple relate with the themes in the movie.

And here it is:

    When Greta asked how are they going to record their music without a studio, proper sound proofing and let alone without the right instruments, Dan proposed back to make use of the "city as their studio." That moment right there, it was very special. Do not let your spirits be hampered down when you feel that your opportunities and resources are constricted. You have your creativity, maximise it.
    It is all about pursuing your passion to whatever ends of the world. As simple as that. It would not be your passion if it does not mean a thing to you. So, if it means something to you, be it photography or music, you got to pursue it. Dreams do not come true while you are lying on back in your bed; they happen when you take that first step out.
    It must had sounded really absurd to be approached by a 'unemployed' recording manager who happened to be homeless as well. But Greta took her chances with Dan and it all paid off. Sometimes, it is more than just taking risks. It is also about believing in your own self. You have to know what you are worth before the world can appreciate your what you have got to offer.

With that, I hope that you would be able to look deeper into the underlying themes of this particular movie and enjoy it as the way I did. If you have yet to catch this movie, you definitely need to catch it soon.

Thanks for reading, guys!


Lessons Learned on the Road Less Traveled.

Lessons Learned on the Road Less Traveled.
